NS5R Bag Site - Great site yet it's doesn't give you a lot of information but you the webmaster answer e-mail and he's nice (from the e-mail's, also I took some stuff from that site too).
John G. Melas' NS5R Page - Very well site giving you lots of stuff I don't have and the bag site doesn't have... I took some stuff also from here...
Unofficial NS5R Site - This site is a bit massy to my taste but it's also a NS5R site...
 KORG's X5 Buyersguide at Korgy Park - This site was REALLY useful and the webmaster is updating it well and from e-mails he's also nice.
Web Thumper MIDI  - Even though I took this one too from the NS5R Bag site it's GREAT site (I checked it before I entered it...)
Synth Zone Korg Forum - Q&A place...

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Companies related:
 KORG - The Father KORG JAPAN KORG ITALY A real useful e-mail!
Cakewalk - The Sequence
 Cubase - The sequencer (By Steinberg)
 CODA (Finale) - as I call it "Word (likes MS) for Notes"